The Inconvenient Marriage of Charlotte Beck by Kathleen Y’Barbo is a novel set in 1887 about a young girl who has high aspirations of one day following in her father’s footsteps and join the family business. She wants a college education and will do about anything to get it, including making a deal with her father that would end up changing her perspective on life.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was predictable, but a fun read. Charlotte was a very interesting and very likable character. At the end of the book, reading the author’s note, I found out that this book was the third in a series of books about Charlotte’s life. This book was a good stand alone book, but I think I would have understood some of the nuances in the novel better if I had read the other books. One of the main issues with Charlotte and marriage was a back story about her mother that must have been explained in one of the other books as it was only briefly mentioned in this book. If I had read the other books first, I am sure that I would have understood Charlotte better and would have been able to relate to her more.
Overall, this was a nice read. It wasn’t a very deep book, but it made for some nice light reading. If you have a day that you want to spend curled up with an ice tea and some light reading, this is the book for you.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.