Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Heart of Gold by Robin Lee Hatcher

“Heart of Gold” by Robin Lee Hatcher is about a Southern preacher and his daughter relocating to Idaho during the Civil War. It follows the girl through her struggles with being in the north and her feelings about the war to finding love in the place that she least thought possible.
I found the book kind of short. It may have been because I read it on the computer, but the story seemed to be very short.  The story line was very predictable. Girl and boy meet, they don’t like each other, something brings them together, they fall in love, something else pushes them apart, and then they get together at the end. It didn’t seem like it had a lot of depth to it. Shannon fell in love with Matthew awfully fast and it seemed to have more to do with attraction than actual love. She really only mentions once about how he was a great Christian man and that is one of the reasons she loved him. They didn’t seem to really talk and connect that way. It seemed slightly superficial to me.  It was a fun, enjoyable read, but it wasn’t a book that I would probably read again.